I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Oberlin College.
Prior to Oberlin, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Williams College and received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University in 2020. I started my liberal arts experience at Swarthmore College, where I completed a B.A. in Mathematics & Computer Science.
A full CV is available here.
I teach courses across the Oberlin CS curriculum from CS1 to Programming Languages to HCI. I am on junior faculty research leave for 24-25, so I am not currently teaching. For Fall 2025, I will be teaching:
I'm interested in bridging the gap between powerful computational methods and the human-centered world. Specifically, my work considers how methods that are newly practical can be adapted to solve complex human problems in meaningful ways. This work has been made possible by my collaborators and co-authors.
I am grateful for support from the National Science Foundation to explore these questions.